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Daddy can fix it!

The Master’s Hands has a dual meaning for this website. The business aspect of the name was chosen for Don’s woodworking skill and training as a master woodworker. We have had this name picked out for many years, even before he completed the official training program for Master Woodworker. It is exciting to see the vision now beginning to take shape.

Recently, our son has been fondly referring to his dad as "The Master," related to his woodworking. Hearing him say this reminded me how our children have always known that daddy could "fix it." No matter what "it" was, they would come confidently to their dad and ask him to fix it. He truly does have a gift to create, build, repair, and restore all things, wooden and just about anything else… from cars, lawn and garden equipment, and household items to any broken child's toy. If it was broken, daddy could generally always “fix” it. And the tradition continues now with our grandson. As a three-year-old, he already knows to bring everything to Papaw and he can fix it. The faith of children is such a precious gift. This leads into the second aspect of the name.

We believe in a heavenly father, the Master of all Masters, creator of the universe, and his son Jesus. The personal story I shared has a very similar parallel to the heavenly father. As children of God, we believe that our “daddy,” our heavenly father, can fix anything. When we bring him our broken hearts, broken dreams, broken bodies, and any other of life’s broken messes, we believe his loving hands can mend, repair, and restore what was lost or damaged.

The heavenly father's hands are so much bigger than we can comprehend. They are tender when we need tenderness; strong when we need strength; they hold us and draw us close when we need comfort. These hands can wipe away tears we thought would never dry. They can bring healing to scars and wounds that we thought could never possibly be healed. (Luke 4:18)

It is my hope, that through this new Blog site, I can bring inspiration and encouragement to those who are broken and hurting, to trust in THE Master’s hands. I trust that he can fix whatever broken and painful circumstance you are facing. I certainly do not have all of the answers, nor do I claim to understand why things happen the way they do. One thing I do believe with all of my heart and soul, is that God LOVES you and his plans for you are good, filled with hope and a bright future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

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